Friday, January 9, 2009

Happy 2009!

It’s a new year, a time for new opportunities. We are welcoming new staff to our team, -- Bob and Cathy Walker from Montana and returning staff Bekah Davis from Missouri. Also new staff, a student from last spring DTS, Abby Whitmore from Missouri next month. We are also expecting new students for our Discipleship Training School in the spring. Pray that God calls students here with a heart for missions and reaching the lost. Last you heard about me was that I was a student of the School of Biblical Studies. Unfortunately I was unable to raise the money I needed to complete the school. However it may be a good thing because I was asked to come back as Discipleship Training School (DTS) staff for this spring. I still need people to partner with me financially monthly. With me being on staff again I will have an opportunity to go on outreach with our DTS to an unreached people in East Asia, which I am excited about. Please pray with me on these things. Let me hear from you.