Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Equiping young people to GO!

Well our Youth With A Mission (YWAM) Ozarks base in Ozark, Arkansas has just graduated a successful Discipleship Training School (DTS) group of students. For three months we trained the students to come to a better knowledge of God so in turn make Him known. We also trained them in serving God in all areas of life including housekeeping and meal clean up. With my accompaniment the students for two months traveled to Leticia, Colombia on the Amazon River to put that training to practice. Our first two weeks we immediately got into a boat to travel five hours to Caballo Cocha, Peru. We joined the DTS from Leticia and facilitated a pastors conference and evangelistic crusade. We also spent three weeks visiting eight different river villages presenting them the gospel, a week helping a pastor in Leticia visit member of the church and providing church services and another week helping a pastor renovate her church and hold service. We also help with maintenance work on the mission base in Leticia. Many lives touched and changed, from the salvation of a Peruvian Guerrilla. A joyful pastor in Brazil with a freshly painted church, to a village on the Amazon River where many people now follow Jesus and want a church in their village.